A Dedication - this one made me cry! "You're Gonna Fly" by Reba McEntire

The video above is dedicated to those who find themselves in an "unplanned" pregnancy. Please remember there is an alternative to abortion, and like Reba sings... "You're Gonna Fly" and you won't regret holding your baby for the first time! Just have faith in God and yourself and follow your heart and if you do not have family or loved ones to support your decision, contact us or your local pregnancy center! There is help and support! ... Steph

My Blog for Tears to Treasures, Lafayette, LA

Bookmark this link for updates on Tears to Treasures
(please note: a direct link to the Tears to Treasures website is further down on this page)

For Questions, comments, prayer requests, information or if you would like us to add your website to this page, please email Steph at:

"God Are You There"

Jeanene's Testimony of Healing (listen to entire interview at bottom of this page)

“I had an abortion when I was 16, I spent 33 years without being healed from the abortion. Deep down inside there’s this secret that they keep of shame, so much darkness It affected every area of my life….there’s pain, shame, depression, it affects how you raise your children…. Basically I had an abortion because.. this is what my mom made me do. The night I got pregnant, my boyfriend broke up with me, and I didn’t have any support from him so I listened to her because she was my authority and she took me and she paid for it. “And I’m sure you were angry at your mom?” Yes “There are mothers out there who are doing this. What would you say to them?” Don’t do it….. and the Tears to Treasures ministry can even help with that. They will counsel you if you are even contemplating it. So it’s not just about abortion recovery…its also about helping someone in that situation. ……(the program) It will heal every part of you…I even tried secular counseling over the years, and though I may have gotten healed a little bit, but not completely…..speak out that you need help, call Tears to Treasures, ask God to give you the strength to step out, to get this help, it’s so worth it, it will be a life changing event for you ….you will never be the same….” Jeanene

Matthew West - The Healing Has Begun (NEW song about Abortion Recovery Jeanene Posted!)

"I have been waiting for this song to come out. It is about Recovery from Abortion. It is by Matthew West. My New Song! A Song About My LIfe! Amen! Enjoy! God Bless!" Jeanene (Tears to Treasures)

Matthew West Speaks about a Woman He Met and His Song (video is not great - but message is!)


  • Oct 7 - Forgiven and Set Free Group, 3:30 p.m.
  • Oct. 6 - Prayer Group for Tears to Treasures, Family Life Church
  • Oct 2011- Radio Interview
  • Oct 3, 2011 - Speaking at Elizabeth Memorial Baptist, Branch, LA 6 p.m. Thank you Pastor Kevin Colson & his beautiful wife Edna

Total Pageviews


"Open your eyes and look at the fields, for they are ready for harvest." John 4:35...... As I apply this scripture to my daily life, it means that the fields (people) are ready harvest (healing from abortion)!!!!...Michelle Durand ............


UPDATE: August 2, 2010 & October, 2010:

This site has information on Tears to Treasures
and more. (Updates & prayer requests will be made weekly)

Tears to Treasures is a Bible based healing group that help women & men who have suffered silently from the pain of abortion.

Three years ago, in St. Martinville, (when we opened the first office in Lafayette) Michelle and I were at a church in Broussard, and we met a lady and we began to share with her about opening this ministry in Acadiana. She told us, with tears in her eyes, how she had lost her best friend. Her friend was in a deep depression after her abortion and eventually took her own life. She encouraged us to move forward to help these women! Just this week, we learned of another girl who took her own life. We pray that we can reach them sooner! ....

We have also met so many who did not want to have an abortion, but their parents made them, or their boyfriends. Some choose abortion on thier own and "thought" abortion was the best "choice" at the time and deeply regret it.... but some do not choose on their own and hold on to anger and bitterness the rest of their lives, BUT, this cycle can end, hearts can be restored and healed! This road to recovery is difficult, but praise God, we have seen reconcilation between parents and children, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends.

The goal is to STOP the bitterness, anger, shame, blame, and hurting! To end the blame, to begin again, to be FORGIVEN & SET FREE of shame, guilt, sorrow, bitterness and anger. The book we use is titled "Forgiven and Set Free" and we have seen women and men SET FREE and we praise God for all the healing and restoration He has done through this ministry and providing the resources to continue each month!

Please pray with us for more hurting women and men to find healing.

Seven women have been healed! (Please scroll down to hear two testimonies)

We are now working with our third group. Contact us if you would like to be a prayer partner or ways you can help!

I am now also working with an amazing group of women who hope to open up a pregnancy center in New Iberia.

God is moving to save the unborn and we are humbled and overjoyed to be a part of His work.

May we CONTINUE to move forward with obedience and love!

Stephanie Durand
Tears to Treasures
Lafayette, La


Michelle Durand
1-337-456-4612 (office)
1-337-322-2060 (cell)

All help is free and confidential in a confidential location. "One on one" help is also available for men and women, as well as group support.

***NEEDED: the pregnancy center is in need of MATERNITY CLOTHES.....shelves are bare...if you can donate any, please contact us!


Our VISION: It is the vision of the Tears to Treasures ministry to be able to provide help, hope and healing through God's love and prayer to women and men considering an abortion and those who have had an abortion. We are committed to providing information and speaking to the public in churches, schools, youth groups and at events. We also strive to instruct interested parties in furthering the ministry of abortion recovery. Our MISSION: The mission of Tears to Treasures is to offer spiritual healing and guidance in a compassionate, caring and confidential environment for those contemplating an abortion, and those suffering from abortion. ALL HELP IS FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.....TESTIMONIES:NOTE: The Tears To Treasures Women's Testimonies (BELOW, please scroll down to listen) are those who have chosen to speak publicly about their healing. Not all women want to speak and want to remain anonymous, and we fully support that.

Thank You Supporters & Faith Partners!

  • *CPA* donated our OFFICE space, rent free, God Bless you!
  • Family Life Church
  • Shannon Delcambre, Media & Board Member
  • Jobie Landry, Knights of Columbus, Baby Bottle Campaign
  • Vatican Baptist Church & Pastor Chad Thibodeaux, Baby Bottle Campaign
  • Elaine, Baby Bottle Campaign
  • Dani, Baby Bottle Campaign
  • KAJN Radio
  • Jeanines Heavenly Treasures
  • A Pregnancy Center and Clinic, Lafayette LINK BELOW
  • Cindy Collins, founder of LARA
  • Iberia Right To Life
  • Family Christian Bookstore, Lafayette
  • Our Parents & Family, prayers & support
  • Gordan Copell, encouragement & support
  • CrossWind Productions, Holly' Story
  • Elizabeth Memorial Baptist, Branch, LA

If You Had an Abortion....if you mourn the death of your child...there is Hope & Healing!

Welcome! There are thousands and thousands of women who are abortion "survivors." (1 in 3 women have had an abortion)

I call them "survivors" because what happens before and after an abortion is real!

Abortion leaves a hole in the heart, of mothers and fathers.

Mourning the death of your child is ok and natural.

There is hope and there is healing! Let us show you some first steps.

Do not be afraid to reach out to a Post-Abortion recovery group!

Your life was never the same after the abortion, we know that.
We know your pain, we know you cry "silent" tears at night.

Reach out and I promise you, there is joy through healing.

But you have to take that first step. God hears and sees and he knew the "motives" in your heart....AND....God forgives...even abortion....the "blob" was a lie, but God's word is the "truth!"

Most women suffer from post-traumatic stress following due to their abortion.

Sometimes it may take years before they realize the impact on their lifes.

Do you experience....

  • flashbacks or nightmare
  • compulsive or addictive behaviors that started after abortion
  • relationship difficulties
  • social isolation
  • shame
  • self-hatred
  • lack of attachment to your children or overly protective
  • depression or anxiety
  • suicidal thoughts or feelings
  • compulsive thoughts and feelings that started after the abortion

The VOICES of men and women - Behind the HEART - what leads someone there?

..................SILENT NO MORE Awareness Campaign - This Video is the VOICE of Women & Men!, the TRUTH God wants every American to hear! This is what we hear....thank you Louisiana for proclaiming April "Abortion Recovery Month" (more information below)
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Luke 8:8

Does Anybody Hear Her? -- WE HEAR HER! We've seen her! We love her!


Phone (Michelle): 337-322-2060 or 337-456-4612 Email: tearstotreasures@gmail.com Address: Tears to Treasures PO Box 80551 Lafayette, LA 70598 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may also contact Stephanie at TheButterflyBridge@gmail.com for prayer requests, questions, comments, or to add your link to this blog

Michelle Durand - A Pregnancy Center & Clinic, Laf. 2010 "Walk For Life"

.............................. "Tears To Treasures" Women attended A Preganancy Center & Clinic "Walk for Life 2010" in Girourd Park. Mrs. Eva, the director, has been such a blessing and inspiration to Tears to Treasures, and to myself personally. Our Acadiana community is blessed to have this wonderful group of women and men "standing in the gap" and "saving" both babies and mommies! Thank you Mrs. Eva and everyone at A Pregnancy Center and Clinic for all you have done for your community and for Tears to Treasures!

Thank You Shannon, Photographer & Media!

Thank You Shannon, Photographer & Media!

WALK FOR LIFE 2010, A Pregnancy Center & Clinic

WALK FOR LIFE 2010, A Pregnancy Center & Clinic
Tears to Treasures

MEN HURT TOO. A Man Speaks...about His Pain & His Healing (Baton Rouge)

Holly's Story

Holly's Story

Information below on "HOLLY'S STORY" (movie based on Michelle's Story)

(DVD - Used in Classrooms, Youth Groups, Churches, & Organziations & Families) Faced with the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy, Holly makes a choice--a choice that affects the rest of her life. Award-winning pro-life story of healing for post-abortion women through God's grace. HOLLY'S STORY A popular teenage girl, HOLLY, struggles with unexpected feelings of depression, remorse and alienation from her friends after getting an abortion as a result of her unwanted pregnancy. Holly finds solace at a crisis pregnancy center where an understanding counselor shows her acceptance, forgiveness and hope in her situation. HOLLY'S STORY won the Adam Award for "Best Youth Drama" at the Sabaoth International Film Festival in Milan, Italy. It won a Platinum Remi Award at Worldfest Houston, and a Silver Crown Award from the International Christian Visual Media Association. It was featured on Family Life Today national radio program and is included among the teen resources at Focus on the Family. (DISCUSSION GUIDE Link listed above under websites) Holly's Story can now be purchased on the Tears To Treasures Website.

March For Life, New Iberia, LA

March For Life, New Iberia, LA
St. Peter's Catholic Church

Michelle Durand - St. Peter's Church, New Iberia, Background History of Tears to Treasures

......................................................... HOW TEARS TO TREASURES began.....Michelle & Stephanie were born and raised in New Iberia and grew up in St. Peter's Church. This testimony was an emotional one for Michelle, but she bravely stood and told "her" story. We pray that those who listen realize that 1 in 3 women have had an abortion. In every church, there are hundreds of families hurt by abortion! They come forward secretly many times, men, women, friends, grandparents...and that is why we are there! Thank you for opening your hearts with love and compassion for these hurting families, even if you have never experienced the pain of abortion!


Louisiana is Stepping Up and Making History! Join Us in April! Contact Us for more information on how your church, group, organization, business or family can help!!.!

LOUISIANA "Stands In The Gap!" Interview with LA State Senator Ben Nevers

Members of the Louisiana Abortion Recovery Alliance meet with Louisiana State Senator Ben Nevers about an upcoming legislation item regarding abortion. Among the members of LARA is Michelle Durand of Tears to Treasures.

Abortion Recovery Awareness Proclamation - April!

  • Governor Jinal signed a Proclamation
  • Senator A.G. Crowe signed a Resolution
  • ONE in THREE American women has had an abortion
  • 100,000 are in recovery each year
  • Many have held the secret pain of abortion in their hearts for years
  • Governor Jindal stated "Abortion recovery programs offer invaluable services that help abortion's living victims heal"
  • Senator Crowe stated that it is important for women and men to come forth and receive the help they need
  • Justice Kennedy stated that abortion can cause severe depression and loss of esteem
  • We thank Governor Jinal and Senator Crowe for their leadership and in bringing this issue to light
  • Cindy Collins, founder of LA Abortion Recovery Alliance & State Director of Operation Outrcy, we are so blessed to work with you!

Tears to Treasures, Lafayette LA

Tears to Treasures, Lafayette LA
Michelle also speaks at schools, group meetings, and events.


Tears to Treasures is a Christian-based ministry reaching out to anyone who has been through abortion. Abortion is a silent secret, hidden deep within the hearts of men and women because of guilt, shame and condemnation. We understand that pain, because we have been through the abortion experience and know that the feelings that follow are devastating.... So many rely on drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. Some go from relationship to relationship seeking someone to help make the pain go away.... However, the truth is that only Jesus can fill that empty hole in our hearts and heal us completely.... He suffered on the cross for ALL of our sins...EVEN abortion! ..... We also realize that many people do not understand abortion and we offer education on the procedures, risks, and effects after abortion. It is extremely important that teenagers understand abortion! Please do not let the liar deceive you into believing that your teenagers do not need to understand God's view of abortion. The youths in our lives are our next generation! God has called us to "train our children in the way that they should go" and that includes making them aware of abortion other than just from what the society offers them. ..... Our main focus is to offer HOPE, HELP and HEALING from abortion. We use Bible-based curriculums to promote healing in a safe, strictly confidential, non-judgmental environment. Michelle, the founder, speaks in schools, youth groups, churches, conferences (men and women), and any event that is pro-life. Please contact us for more information and pray about becoming a financial partner to bring awareness and healing regarding abortion.

For Priscilla! She adores her "Daddy" and blessed us all!

For Priscilla! She adores her "Daddy" and blessed us all!
in memory of Edward James

In the Arms of Daddy!

Jesus and the Holy Spirit will live and reign in our hearts to comfort those that follow the "footsteps" of their unborn children back into the arms of "their Daddy"(God Bless Priscilla, Tears To Treasures)

Engraved in our Hearts

Engraved in our Hearts
in memory of "Edward James"

Testimony - Priscilla Part I

Testimony- Priscilla Part II

For Jeanene! Little Butterfly

For Jeanene! Little Butterfly

Little Lamb in the Palm of His Hands

Little Lamb in the Palm of His Hands
in memory of Stephen Paul


FOR DANI! Another Butterfly, We Love You Dani! God will use you in mighty ways!

For Clovia! We Love You! Thank you for your DANCE and your SMILE!

For Regina! May God Bless You and Every Woman You Faithfully Counsel! We Love You!

"The Memorial Service" - the little lambs He holds in the palm of HIS hands!

Tears to Treasures would like to thank Family Life Church, Lafayette, Lousiana for "standing" up and offering to do our "memorial services."

We must not stop here.....the journey to healing the women, men, grandparents, and siblings in acadiana will continue. ....

Praise God....how Great is our God to help us heal, educate, and un-mute the silence....that abortion leads to death....and mourning and grieving....and laying to rest what should have been born...... the "little lambs" he holds in the palm of his hands!


Memorial Of Mourning............ They were not born...... They were not held in their mother's arms..... Most have not been named..... A gravesite to mark their passage is not in the local cemetery..... They are the babies who have been lost due to abortion..... They are often not acknowledged to have ever existed..... Yet, their mother's grieve, not knowing where to seek closure and comfort..... ....they are not forgotten by God..... In the Bible, God said: "Can a woman forget her nursing child, and have no compassion on the son of her womb? ... Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. Behold, I have carved you in the palm of My hand." Isaiah 49:15-16 NASB......... Why a memorial service or site for the Unborn? ..... "Memorial plays a role in helping to face unresolved grief........ Every loss must be grieved........ When it comes to the loss of a person.... we need to give that person the honor of a memorial service.... and every mother and father needs a time and place for leave-taking." (Victims of Choice)

SMILE UP AT HEAVEN....written for Tears To Treasures Women & Men

SMILE UP AT HEAVEN..............She just can’t seem to let go.... She silently prays that no one will ever know..... Her heart breaks with each passing day, And she cries out inside for the pain to go away...... “Dear God, I’m living with so much shame, I’ve done something so wrong! Lord, my heart is breaking from this pain, And I’m holding up my hands to heaven...... 'Oh, Dear God, Please hear my confession! A soul, I did not receive.... The gift of life, you gave to me.... And oh, God, how I grieve!..... For the baby I did not keep.... My heart aches and bleeds, Alone, I mourn and I weep And I can’t help but drop to my knees!"................... >“Oh, Father God, won’t you whisper in her ear!” From Heaven, a child looks down and says, “And tell mommy and daddy I am here!”“He laid me down to sleep and my soul, moma and daddy, he did keep!...And though I died before I woke.... on the way to heaven, the angels’ spoke.... “God knows your name, And he knows your moma and daddy's pain”..... And moma and daddy, your tears.... he sees too..... And he's holding out his arms to you! And until we meet, moma and daddy, Swinging in heaven is where I’ll be..... So, please don't cry anymore, won’t you please smile up at heaven for me! Because, moma and daddy, My soul he did keep!” ............. By: Stephanie Durand © 2005........................................................

Prayer to St. Francis

Prayer to St. Francis

I still wonder...who you'd be today!

I still wonder...who you'd be today!
Baby angel memorial

The Dream of This Child by Cheri DeGruccio

............................... THE DREAM OF THIS CHILD (LYRICS for video above) http://www.cheridegruccio.com .... She will be beautiful.... With golden hair.... A heart that finds hope... Through the darkest despair...... She’ll be a mother.... Gentle and wise.... They will see love.... when they look In her eyes........ That is the dream of this child... That she can believe for a while...... But she’ll never fall in love.... She’ll never see a sun ?..... A Look in her mother’s eyes.... From her, her life has been torn.... This day will be her last... She’ll never get past being unborn...... He will be handsome.... Tall, dark and strong.... Someone to turn to ... When life’s going wrong... He’ll be a father... Stand tall and strong.... Gentle protector, Leader of all...... That is the dream of this child.... That he can believe for a while....... But he’ll never fall in love.... He’ll never see a sunrise... Look in his mother’s eyes.... From his, his life has been torn... This day will be his last.... He’ll never get past ..being unborn...... Unless we open up their eyes?.... Let them hear our voice... It’s a child, not a choice....... They’ll never fall in love.... They’ll never see a sunrise?.... Look in each other’s eyes... From them, their life has been torn... This day will be their last.... Will this day be their last.... Will they get past …..being unborn.....

But God sees your "secret tears"

But God sees your "secret tears"
it is not wrong to mourn and grieve the loss of your child....

Eclassians 3:3

A time to kill and a time to heal, A time to dear down and a time to build

AMAZING GRACE! by Rhema Marvanne....you will be BLESSED to hear this little girl!

Memorial Jar: Healing Place for Women

Memorial Jar: Healing Place for Women
Victims of Choice, Healing the Wounded


Our "Dolls of Hope" and "Shoes for Baby" donations will go to your local crisis pregnancy centers.

Bless someone with "DOLL OF HOPE"

Bless someone with "DOLL OF HOPE"
donate a "Doll of Hope" which will go to local pregnancy centers!

Dedicated Memorial Shoes

Dedicated Memorial Shoes
"A Cry Without a Voice" in memory of the unborn


shoes will also be donated to local crisis pregnancy centers if you so wish

Honoring Your Child with God: Ways to Heal Your Heart (Abortion, Miscarraiges & Stillbirth)

  • memorial garden (how to make one)
  • special ornaments for holidays with child's name
  • memorial jewelry for angelversary (sell)
  • Find a biblicaly based support group for abortion recovery
  • Ask God to show you their birthdate
  • Name your baby...ask God to help you
  • Find the book or DVD "Tilly"..by Frank Peretti....you will be blessed!
  • Wear a ring on your pinky finger to remember them
  • Plant a tree in memory of them or a memory garden
  • Participate in a "Walk for Life"
  • visit "A Cry Without a Voice" & dedicate baby shoes to your child
  • Volunteer or donate at a Pregnancy Center

More Links will be added daily!

Scroll down to listen to music.

Thank you for stopping by...

Please leave a message. I would love you to share your testimony or story!

****************SONGS TO LISTEN TO ***************